Bluejacket Career Academies
About Us
HHS students have the opportunity to explore possible future careers through our program which will help them make decisions in their post-secondary education.
Our partnerships with businesses and industry leaders gain guidance from these professionals.
Students are provided real, work-based learning experiences with in high school. These opportunities build relationships within their community to make connections that could help shape their future.
Students are exposed to a combination of academic and career-related courses to enhance the relevance of high school curricula.
Our Academies
Health Careers
Education & Childcare
Performing Arts & Communications
Buildings and Trades
Bluejacket Career Academy Requirements:
- Register for one or more desired Academies.
- Complete the required courses.
- Complete 40 hours of real-life work experience.
- Stay in good-standing with other HHS offered courses.
- Meet all of Minnesota's graduation requirements.
- Stay connected with Academy Leads, Career Academy Staff and real-life experience mentors.
Contact Us
Bluejacket Career Academy Director
Mrs. Carrie McDonald
Bluejacket Career Academy Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Carrie Fawkes
Bluejacket Career Academy Leads 2024-2025
- Building and Trades Academy
Mr. AJ Abate - Healthcare Academy
Mr. Jeremy Fleming - Engineering Academy
Mr. Carl Sandness - Education & Childcare Academy
Mrs. Jamie Trenberth - Performing Arts & Communications Academy
Mrs. Megan Zubich